Welcome to Ingress!
Hello! The path to Enlightenment awaits! Let's get started.
Install Ingress
Ingress is a free app. You can download it from here:
Once installed, open the app, login with your Google account, and authorize the app to access Google App Engine.
Initialize your account
To begin, you will have to read, understand, and accept the Terms of Service. A human friendly version of this can be found here:
The Agent Protocol
After which you are now ready to create your Agent Name. Your Agent Name is an alpha-numeric 3-13 character name. Please select an appropriate name, and then hit Transmit. No obscene, and/or offending names please.
Once your Agent Name is created, you will be introduced to the quick back story of the game. After that, you will be presented with the Faction Selection screen.
You may or may not be interested in the backstory of this game, but we urge you select ENLIGHTENED. While you are free to select otherwise, please the take time and read the faction philosophy of the Enlighetened written by @GrimJim. You may not care about the philosophy, but by selecting Enlightened you know you've made the right choice in backing the faction that understands what they are fighting for.
Why Enlightened?
While the resistance may sound enticing, fear is what empowers them. Would you join them to fear what you don't understand? Or would you join us to explore endless possibilities and move humanity forward?
Welcome, agent!
After selecting your faction, (which we do hope you chose Enlightened) you will now be presented with a quick run down of the basic details of the game.
After this initial traning, you can access more training material under OPS > Missions. Or, you can also ask the person who recruited you for assistance!
Welcome to the Enlightened!
Now that you are here, you can join us in Google+ and our hangouts chat. You can also connect with us in-game by pinging anyone of our Toronto Moderators: @AlphaCypher, @atomicben, @GrimJim, @hugsboson, @infinitiguy, @Knightwatch, @shaperbeast, @wazzie19, and @zeighy through the in-game COMM. Just make sure you select the FACTION tab so that your message will only be read by people in your own faction.
Click here to join the community
Click here for more Ingress Information
Not in the Greater Toronto Area?
Ingress is a global game. If you aren't from Toronto or surrounding areas, you can get a list of other communities worldwide here:
Ingress Google+ Community Directory
(Desktop browser recommended)