Why Enlightened?
It's not the end of the world. It's just the beginning.
If you're reading this, you've had the veil lifted and are aware of exotic matter. Maybe you're considering which faction to align with. Maybe you've already chosen one. Though I'd prefer that you lean toward Enlightenment, all that I ask is that you make an informed choice.
I can only speak for myself, but allow me to make my case.
The Enlightenment began with a belief in the power of human reason to understand the world. The Age of Reason enabled us to escape the superstitious fear of a demon-haunted world. Lightning bolts are not the weapons of an angry Zeus. Cameras do not steal our souls.
The investigation of exotic matter presents an opportunity for human potential to be unlocked. Individuals should be free to explore their potential. Our patched scanners are a declaration of our independence from control. We're fighting for your right to choose.
Resistance is grounded in fear. Alien invasions. Little Green Men. Intrusive thoughts. But where is the evidence for this purported Shaper influence? Are the hazards being exaggerated to justify a Hobbesean state of control?
Fire was a dangerous technology when it was first discovered. Metal working. Electricity. Steam power. The combustion engine. We learned to control these technologies. And use them to enhance human existence.
I'm Enlightened, and I'm fighting for a future worth living in. Would you rather suppress XM and it's potential just because of we have not learned to wield its power? Or would you open your mind for a brighter future? The choice is yours, resist or be enlightened.
- agent GrimJim